Crossing your legs when sitting is a very common habit, especially among women. Most people do it almost as a reflex without even being aware of the amount of time they spend sitting with their legs crossed.
The habitual act of crossing your legs, sometimes even twisting and pressing them against each other, far from being a harmless posture, has harmful consequences for the health of your body.
This is an action that causes bodily imbalance, causing pelvic imbalance and, consequently, misalignment of the spine. It also hinders proper blood circulation in the lower extremities.
So what is the best sitting position? The answer is that there is no one correct sitting position.
As has been mentioned on other occasions, one of the best habits for people who spend a lot of time sitting is to change their posture from time to time. To do this, it is important to be aware of our posture when sitting, and every 30 minutes or so, stand up, walk or simply change position in the same chair. This will force us not only to uncross our legs but to move our entire body.
In short, the best way to sit is one that allows for constant change, or as the Nordics say: “the best position is always the next one.” So, how do I get my legs uncrossed when sitting? One of the tips that can help you become aware of your posture in order to change it is to activate an alarm on your mobile phone approximately every 30 minutes throughout your work day. This will allow you to stop your activity for a few minutes and change your posture, uncrossing your legs if they were crossed.
Another tip is to use a chair that makes it difficult for you to adopt this crossed-legged position. On the market, you can find different chairs suitable for this. We will show you the example of the Capisco ergonomic chair from the Hag brand. One of its characteristics that makes this chair unique is that you can sit like in a saddle. This posture allows you to put your entire torso in the position that a human being adopts when walking, which is what we have been designed for. At that moment, you will be sitting with your legs open, resting your body on the pelvic base, and this, together with the anatomical design of the seat, makes it not easy or comfortable for you to cross your legs.
With the Capisco chair you can permanently correct the bad habit of crossing your legs, avoiding back pain and improving circulation in your legs.

How much does an ergonomic chair cost?