It is essential to correct bad habits as soon as possible, so that they do not lead to pain or even injury. Hence the importance of good posture at work.
Postural hygiene at work: definition
It is a set of techniques and practices designed to maintain good posture and prevent muscle injuries in the workplace.
A series of measures applied in the workplace with the aim of avoiding inappropriate postures or excessive efforts that may end up affecting the health of the worker.
Importance of postural hygiene in the office
But good posture at work does not only concern sedentary work . The same task can be carried out in different ways, some of which are safer and require less physical effort. For example, if you have to lift heavy objects at work, it is not the same to do so by straining your lower back than by bending your knees when bending.
In this post we are going to focus on the importance of maintaining good postural habits in the office .
Those of us who work in an office or work from home spend many hours sitting in a chair in front of a computer. A bad posture when sitting, unsuitable furniture or poor lighting can cause serious health problems in the long run.
Muscle pain, spinal damage, hernias, lumbago and even cardiovascular diseases are some of the consequences of not maintaining proper posture.
Basic rules for good posture at work
Below we review a list of good habits to carry out if you work in an office.
Maintain a correct posture
It is important to maintain a correct posture when sitting in your work chair, with your back straight, your shoulders relaxed and your head upright. In addition to preventing or reducing muscle discomfort, a correct posture will allow you to improve your breathing and oxygenation of the body. In addition, it will help you increase concentration and, therefore, will improve your performance and productivity.Use an ergonomic chair
An ergonomic chair that fits your anatomy and type of work will be essential to better perform your work activity in the office. The chair must be adjusted to the appropriate height, so that the elbow is above the table. If the feet do not touch the floor, a footrest or a dynamic ergonomic chair would be necessary. The backrest must provide good support to the lower part of your back , to maintain lumbar lordosis when we get tired or lean back.
5 stretches in the office to correct your posture
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