Sitting for long periods of time is beginning to be considered the new smoking. It is associated with a long list of health problems such as lower back and lumbar pain, neck and shoulder pain, type II diabetes and cardiovascular problems. The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work warns of the problems caused by sitting for long periods of time without changing your posture.
Office workers, call center workers, assembly line workers, control room workers, and, in short, workers from very diverse sectors are exposed to sitting for long periods of time:
• 28% of EU workers say they sit at work almost all the time and another 30% say they sit between a quarter and three quarters of the time
• 60% of workplaces participating in the EU-OSHA (ESENER) company survey reported sitting as a risk factor. This makes it the third most reported risk factor.
Sitting at work is likely to become more common. Physical work is being replaced by sedentary work and computers limit the need to get up from our desks.
In industrialized countries, the incidence of spinal problems (lumbago, sciatica, cervicalgia, myotensive headaches, discopathy, etc.) ranges from 75 to 90%, compared to approximately 7 to 18% in non-industrialized countries. This is due to a sedentary lifestyle and the use of unsuitable chairs.
All of these health effects occur because our bodies have been designed to remain in motion. Movement is good for the muscles and the spine and is necessary for the blood to pump and oxygen to circulate through our body. This does not happen when we are sitting. According to the Spanish Ergonomics Association , ergonomics is the set of multidisciplinary knowledge applied to the adaptation of products, systems and artificial environments to the needs, limitations and characteristics of their users, optimising efficiency, safety and well-being.
To apply ergonomics when sitting, we must have a basic understanding of how to do it and have an ergonomic chair that has a positive effect on our health. In fact, ergonomics has long considered correct sitting to be a fundamental factor in prevention.
It often happens that while we are sitting, “our body asks us to move” in order to overcome the immobility that is harmful to it. If we are sitting in a conventional chair, we cannot move without resorting to harmful postures (we tilt our head too much, we arch our back, we shrug our shoulders, etc.).
If this is your case, you should know about the Variable ergonomic office chair. Variable is the only chair on the market that allows you to “sit while moving” . It is a chair that allows the body to “move” without adopting incorrect positions, guaranteeing an ergonomic posture for the spine and the rest of the body. The results are unique freedom of movement and comfort and a marked reduction in muscular, skeletal and circulatory injuries. With Variable you will improve your well-being, increase your efficiency and productivity and reduce, through preventive action, the discomfort in your back.
Variable is a chair recommended by the Spanish Chiropractic Association . Its positive effects on health are proven and for this reason, many physiotherapy professionals choose it. If we want to work sustainably throughout our working life, and stay healthy until retirement, we must take charge of our health and look for alternatives that help improve our well-being.

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