What is percussion massage?
Vibration or percussion massages apply precise, rhythmic and vigorous blows to the body to relieve uncomfortable symptoms that arise when muscle fibers are strained due to intense workload and cause trigger points in the fibers. This technique has been known for centuries and was often performed with the back of the hands. Today, professional physical therapists often employ percussion massage guns that provide more effective and continuous movements. Some of the benefits of this technique include stress reduction, injury prevention and improved blood circulation. Even though these massage guns can be used for self-massage, it is advisable for people to have a basic knowledge to avoid damage to tissues and body parts such as joints, which should not receive repeated impacts.Benefits of percussion massage
- Preventing and removing muscle adhesions: By using a massage gun, blood flow is stimulated to areas of scarring that often give rise to additional tissue and adhesions. By massaging these tissues, more effective wound healing is achieved .
- Accelerates muscle recovery: By administering massages to the muscle fibers, tension points are eliminated, which optimizes the functioning of the lymphatic system. This allows the muscles to cope more effectively with excessive stretching from sports activities and work demands.
- Pain and Sensitivity Reduction : Massage guns have the ability to decrease pain signals traveling through the nerves. They work best on mild injuries and minor discomfort. However, they should not be used on chronic pain as they may further irritate muscle fibers.
- Increased circulation: By using soft headrests, blood flow is improved throughout the body, preventing inflammation in the lower extremities. In addition, the delivery of nutrients to the muscle fibers is facilitated, which increases resistance to possible injuries.
- Stress reduction: After a stressful day, the massage gun helps reduce accumulated muscle tension, preparing you to face a new day of work. This tool is useful when the mental tensions of the day are reflected in the body through discomfort.
- Immune system enhancement: Percussion gun massages stimulate the production of substances such as cytokines, which strengthen the body's natural immune response, preventing infections and bacteria.
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