What is geometric ergonomics and how can it improve health?
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Ergonomics is a preventive specialty that is considered essential today for its application in the workplace. There are different branches of study, includinggeometric ergonomics, which is of great importance in the prevention of occupational risks.At Ergonomika we use studies from this branch for the design, creation and implementation of high-quality and highly efficient ergonomic products. Below you can learn what geometric ergonomics is and its importance in the work environment.
Definition of Geometric Ergonomics
Geometric ergonomics studies therelationship between workers and the geometric conditionspresent in the work area.To do this, anthropometric data and dimensions are taken into account. This includes the dimensions of the worker, the characteristics of the work station, the optimal reach areas and the postures, efforts and movements that the worker makes.In this way, it is about achieving thewell-being of the workers,considering both the static and the dynamic point. In the first point, the static one, reference is taken to the position of the body, that is, whether the worker is standing, sitting, etc., as well as the furniture and tools they use. In the second point, the dynamic one, the movements and efforts made by the worker are taken into account.The purpose of geometric ergonomicsis the construction, modification and design of the work station so that it adapts to the needs and functions of the workers. In this way, it is possible to promote the safety, comfort and productivity of the workers, fundamental aspects in theprevention of occupational risks.
Types of Geometric Ergonomics
Within the geometric ergonomics that we have discussed previously, it is also possible to differentiate the following types or aspects:
It is based on the analysis of the measurements of the workers, to design suitable office furniture that promotes therecommended postures. At Ergonomika we have long advised against the classic sitting posture at 90 degrees or in the shape of 4, since it promotes a curvature opposite to the natural position as it is astatic posture that subjects the muscles to stress.This causes the appearance of muscular and skeletal diseases, as well as a proven reduction in productivity at work.Instead, we advocateactive sittingorsaddle chair, which promotes a correct position, freedom of movement and comfort. Without a doubt a more natural position for our lumbar region. This and many other recommendations are those we make in ourshowroom in Barcelona, where we advise our clients on how to sit correctly to avoid muscle pain.
It is mainly applied in companies whose workers are involved in constant load handling.It is based on theregulation of weight, load and movementsthat workers perform during the working day, in order to establish the most appropriate work measures in the company.For example, in thistype of geometric ergonomics, the company is aware of the correct design of the mechanisms and controls of the production line, thus increasing the precision of the movements and avoiding back pain, overexertion and fatigue.Also, operational ergonomics recommends that workers, when bending down or picking up heavy objects from the floor, apply force or pressure on the leg muscles so as not to affect the spine or lumbar area. In addition toavoiding forced posturesand lifting heavy objects, preferably between two people.
Geometric safety ergonomics
Safety ergonomics takes into account that sharp objects, such as the corner of a table, can be a work risk if they obstruct the workers' path. Therefore, it focuses on preventing the worker's body from coming into contact with dangerous points.To do so, it considers the necessary anthropometric measurementsof a person to be necessary in order to design and build guards, defenses, safety devices, among others. It also focuses on thedistribution of objects at workaccording to the size of the worker.The purpose of its application is to create safety distances that separate, distance and prevent people from colliding with tables, chairs or other objects found in the work area.
The importance of geometric ergonomics
Now that we understandwhat geometric ergonomics meansand the aspects that are taken into account, it is impossible to deny the importance of this discipline whose main objective isto reduce the risks ofinjuries, fatigue and stressin work environments.An adequate design of geometric ergonomics can improve posture, comfort and efficiency in the performance of tasks. At Ergonomika, our goal is to ensure the physical well-being of people and promote a healthy occupational culture. We have extensive experience inquality ergonomic productsand we recognizethe importance of geometric ergonomicsas an essential element in the work environment.For this reason, we are in charge of carrying out studies of the shapes, dimensions and measurements of the work area and the furniture that will be used in the offices. We want tooptimize the work space of our clients as much as possibleand help promote a healthy, safe and efficient environment. By incorporating this discipline into the design of work spaces, the quality of life of workers can be improved and productivity and efficiency at work can be increased.
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